Friday, February 4, 2011

Bad Joke of the Week

I've had this blog for three months now, and have been wondering to myself what I should do with it.I'd bounced around lots of ideas, but just couldn't think of something that really fit my schedule and interests at the same time. But, I finally came to a conclusion, one so obvious I probably should have thought of it three months ago.

Anyone who knows me is well aware of one of my greatest passions in life- my love of incredibly bad jokes. Especially when those bad jokes are puns. Is it even possible to write an entire blog article based on the premise of a one liner? I guess I'm going to find out.

The first pun should be a special one, one that has a special meaning to me beyond the cheap laugh I get from it. And over the last three years, I have developed a massive arsenal of puns, many of which I recycle on a regular basis. I finally decided on a limerick I wrote a few years back.

There was this devil I once knew
At Satan's work, he was still new
His dastardly goal
To capture my soul
And so I gave him my shoe.

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